About us

About our company

Powerful solutions for scaling businesses.

We strive to develop real-world web solutions that are ideal for small to large projects with bespoke project requirements. we compelling web, which are the right-fit for your target.

Experienced company

Procommerce team has delivered soltions for several Fortune 500 companies and has tens of years of ICT knowhow combined.

Strategic approach

We dive into companys processes and look a ICT solution as a tool which should should work for business and create revenue.

We care

Our team is dedicated to work closely together with clients. We find time to explore solutions and have direct conversation.

Need a solution?
Procommerce mission

We create value through technology

Our mission is to grow business results of e-commerce through technology, know-how and data. Procommerce is a powerful platform to increase e-commerce site performance, where it is most needed for business.

Procommerce vision

Best solution for e-business

Our vision is to be best custom e-business custom solution for mid-size companies. We want to be good partner and grow together with our outstanding clients.

Importance of dedication

Each business is unique

we believe that each business is unique. We build solution according to our clients needs, targets and desired processes. So far our approach have paid of and many clients have increased their efficiency.

More than a solution

Full approach

We see that web system is only one figure in formula. We see that good solution requires understanding of sales processes, legal, security, marketing and other essential subjects. With our inhouse specialists and external vendors we have delivered many specific solutions.

Committed staff are ready to help you

Contact our team

Rode Luhaäär

Digital Strategist


Reach out and Rode will find a good solution or will connect you with specialist, who could help you.

Our clients

Aasa Külalistemaja
Anita Butiik
NGP Commerce
Pärn & Partners
Pidula Wakepark
Plaat Est
RGE Elekter
Snus Empire
VIKK Autokool